Rabiosa actualidad

Rabiosa actualidad
Sydney, Australia 21 diciembre 2011

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Chorras varias...

Si os llega alguna noticia tipo ....Russell Crowe odia a sus vecinos o, Terrible accidente en la granja de Russell Crowe, ni caso. Repito, ni caso ....

Ah, por si os interesa, le encanta un tal Gary Bales

A Gary Bales concert, genius cinematography The Staves - Facing West (Official Video): via

El terrible accidente consistió en una camioneta sin control que se cayó dentro de una poza. Nadie resultó herido

What a morning #1...Farm staffer jumps out of truck ,top of the hill, handbrake fails, trucks careens through a fence, 300m into a dam

What a morning #2...boys and I follow it's path of destruction, as it is sinking, windscreen wipers keep going, good advert for Toyota

Another glorious day in the valley...little ones off to the big smoke. Some serious meetings up here this week, might have some news soon

Wam #3... brother arrives with the John Deere, gets in freezing dam to hook up the truck, beautiful job retrieving the submarine

Wam #4 Youngest announces " best day on the farm ever"... no one hurt, only pride. Told old mate,"days like this'll get you a new nic name"

Wam #5 In a dry, Australian acceptance of the inevitable, old mate squints to the middle distance and softly states, "yes, they do"

Los "odiosos vecinos" son cacatúas ruidosas y más que odiarlas, Russell se lo toma con su típico sentido del humor

I have about 300 sulphur crested Cockatoo outside my window having an afternoon chat...absolute 

After days of aural chaos that is a flock of Sulphur crested cockatoo...must be lunching on someone else's trees today...

Cockatoos are back for twilight, must have found some cousins, even louder now... I see it only as a blessing and good fortune